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Sunshine Allergy and Asthma

Allergists & Asthma Specialists located in North Port, FL

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children, and it affects 8% of American adults as well. At Sunshine Allergy and Asthma, specialist Nilamben Patel, DO, FAAAAI, offers expert diagnosis and treatment along with preventive care to reduce your asthma attacks and improve your health. Call the North Port, Florida, office or click on the online appointment maker for the best in asthma care.

Asthma Q & A

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes inflammation in the bronchial tubes inside your lungs. Asthma attacks happen in episodes, during which a triggering substance or situation causes additional inflammation, swelling, and tightening of the airway muscle. 

Attacks cause sudden symptoms, including severe breathing difficulties. Asthma is common among people with allergies but can affect anyone. 

What are the symptoms of asthma?

Asthma causes breathing difficulties and may cause other issues such as:

  • Chest tightness
  • Chronic cough
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty sleeping

These symptoms start shortly after trigger exposure.

What triggers asthma?

There are many asthma triggers, with common examples including:

  • Allergies (e.g., dust mites, pollen, mold)
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Exercise
  • Air pollution
  • Medications (e.g., aspirin, hypertension drugs)
  • Stress
  • Cold, dry air
  • Acid reflux

Dr. Patel can help you find your asthma triggers during the diagnostic process. Asthma diagnosis typically includes breathing tests, lung inflammation tests, and allergy testing. 

How is asthma treated?

At Sunshine Allergy and Asthma, Dr. Patel uses a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to asthma management. You may need:

Quick-relief medication

Quick-relief medications are inhaled bronchodilators such as albuterol. These inhalers are for asthma attacks, not for daily use. 

Daily controller medication

Daily controller medications are inhaled medications like corticosteroids. These daily medications work over time, so they're not for flare-ups. There are some combination inhalers that include a daily controller medication along with quick-relief medication. 

Oral medication

If you have severe asthma, Dr. Patel may prescribe oral steroids like prednisone. These drugs aren't generally right for long-term use because they may trigger severe side effects. 


Biologics are injections or intravenous (IV) infusions that prevent the biological responses that lead to lung inflammation. You may need biologics if you have serious asthma symptoms. They're taken together with control medications. 

Allergy shots

If you have allergies as well as asthma, allergy shots can control your triggers to greatly improve your allergic symptoms and reduce asthma attacks.

Dr. Patel understands that nobody knows your own health better than you, and she works with you to decide the right treatment based on your needs and lifestyle. 

Sunshine Allergy and Asthma offers the best in evidence-based asthma management. Book your appointment by calling the office or clicking on the online scheduling link.